Welcome to Dynamo’s documentation!


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What is Dynamo?

Dynamo is a package you can use in your existing Laravel application to quickly build admins using real database tables. You may be familiar with php artisan which allows you to create models, views, and controllers, and migration files with some scaffolding.

Dynamo does this, as well as generating the bootstrap index view and forms for creating the models. For an example, see the screenshots below showing a form on the backend of the website for the administrator to use to create Faqs.


This ^ is the index view of a module that shows a table of all the FAQs in the database.


This ^ is the form view of a module that shows the form that the website administrator uses to create a new FAQ or update an existing FAQ.

The Dynamo Artisan Command

Dynamo allows you to create a complete controller, model, migration, and route for your backend admin module with one command:

php artisan make:dynamo Employee

After running this you will notice an autogenerated route in your routes->web.php file. You will notice a new database migration has been created in your database->migrations directory. You will notice a new model made in your app directory. You will notice a new Dynamo Controller in your controller directory. By default the controller directory is set in your dynamo config file in config->dynamo.php:

'controller_namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers',

'controller_path' => app_path('/Http/Controllers'),

Need to opt out of some of the Dynamo magic?

php artisan make:dynamo Employee --migration=no --model=no --controller=no --route=no

I recommend starting out with the quick-start video below to see what Dynamo is capable of doing and seeing if it is right for you. If you see that it is right for you, you can install Dynamo by running:

composer require jzpeepz/dynamo